Fact about me that surprises people: I HATE Structure and Routine!

Fact about me that surprises people: I HATE Structure and Routine!

I’ve never been someone who thrives with strict routines or schedules. Honestly, the idea of following the same structured plan every day drains my creativity and motivation.


So, I found a way to make things work for me.


As a productivity coach, people often assume I’m super ‘organised’ and live by a strict structure- ew. But honestly, if you really knew what it’s like…I’ve always struggled with routines. I’m someone who has  a LOT of ideas, and when inspiration strikes, I like to drop everything and run with it. And a lot of the time I get lost in it all.

Structure doesn’t allow me the freedom to do that—it boxes me in.


Of course, I still have my to-do list, but I work it around my energy cycles. I prioritise things and make sure they get done, but I give myself the freedom to do it in a way that feels natural to me. That’s what works for me. I’ve built flexibility into my schedule so I can stay productive while keeping things exciting. Some days I start early, other days I need time for me before I dive in with work.


A question I ask myself a lot is: “What do I need today?”


Is it yoga, meditation, journaling, gym, dance or do I just need to work?


I even wrote about this in my book for people like me who prefer freedom over rigid routines—for those who want to be productive without feeling confined. (DM if you need a copy)


If you’re like me, know that you don’t need strict structure to succeed. You just need to find what works for you 💙




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